“The fundamental theme of my work was and is the following: to demonstrate on one hand that the nuraghi were not at all military buildings, that is, fortresses and castles, and on the other hand that they were religious buildings, that is, community temples, the larger and more complex ones, tribal chapels or even family ones, the smaller and simpler ones.” (Massimo Pittau: “La Sardegna Nuragica”).
In the photos, the nuraghi: Tosingalo di Aidomaggiore (Sergio Melis); Alvu di Pozzomaggiore (Giovanni Sotgiu); Arrubiu di Orroli (Piera Farina Sechi); Su Mulinu di Villanovafranca (Romano Stangherlin); Adoni di Villanovatulo (Nicola Castangia); Losa di Abbasanta (Cinzia Olias).