22a: Nuraghe Carcina, Giant’s Grave Su Pranu, Village and Well Temple Su Putzu – Orroli

22a: The Nuraghe Carcina is located in the countryside of Orroli and is about 1.5 km southeast of the village. It is in a state of abandonment despite being in fair condition. It appears as a complex nuraghe of which two towers are clearly visible. The main tower has a remaining height of over 3 meters and is accessible through an entrance topped by a beautiful inclined lintel. This entrance is largely buried and leads to a chamber with a tholos that is missing the final rows of closure.
The tomb of giants “Su Pranu,” in Orroli, is one of the two giant tombs discovered near the nuraghe Arrubiu. (13th-12th century BC). A bronze sword was found in it along with fragments of a second one.
The nuragic village Su Putzu, also near the nuraghe Arrubiu, consists of about a hundred huts surrounding a well temple. The temple features a long ramp vestibule and there is no staircase leading to the spring.
The photos of Nuraghe Carcina are by Marco Cocco; those of the Tomb of giants Su Pranu are by Nicola Castangia and Sergio Melis; the photos of the Village and the Well Temple Su Putzu are by Francesca Cossu and Lucia Corda. All the monuments are in the territory of Orroli.