Peter Paul Mackey and the nuraghe Monte di Deu

Peter Paul Mackey (1851-1935) was an English Dominican friar, but also a historian, philosopher, and archaeologist, who undertook long journeys documented by about two thousand photographs taken between 1894 and 1910. The 109 images taken during his two trips to Sardegna, along with a handwritten catalog, were forgotten in the archives of the British School in Rome for over a century and were recently rediscovered by Professor Alistair Crawford. From the volume “Immagini del passato,” published by Delfino and edited by Patricia Olivo, which indeed re-proposes Mackey’s shots, we extracted the black and white photo of the nuraghe “Monte di Deu” in the territory of Calangianus (on the border with Tempio), alongside those taken by Romano Stangherlin, who also took the picture of the namesake burial site near the nuraghe.