Giants’ Tomb Li Lolghi in Arzachena

The tomb of the giants is located in the area of Li Lolghi in Arzachena, positioned on a hilltop that makes it visible from a considerable distance, thanks to the imposing monolithic stele.

On either side of this are 14 stone slabs set like knives that delimit the ceremonial area of the exedra. The burial chamber reveals two construction phases; the first consisting of a The gallery tomb consists of orthostats and is paved with granite slabs; the second is characterized by the addition of a long corridor covered with slabs.

Starting from Arzachena, take the s.s. 427 towards Luogosanto; after 3 km, by taking an asphalt road, you arrive at the location of Li Lolghi, where the structure dominates at the top of the hill. (from the Ministry of Culture – Idese).

The photos of the Tomba di giganti Li Lolghi are by: Diversamente Sardi and Lucia Corda.