The entire Marghine is distinguished by the presence of hundreds of nuragic testimonies, confirming the importance that this region held since ancient times. In the territory of Bortigali in particular, as well as in the neighboring areas, several nuraghi are counted within the usual grid of alignments that characterizes the entire island territory. A particularly dense cluster of megalithic structures is located to the northwest of the town and includes, among others: l’Orolo, il Tintirriolos, il Pranu ‘e ruos, il Coattos, l’Aidu Entos, and il Carralzu Iddia. Some of them are aligned, in groups of no fewer than three, with other nuraghi, among which we have identified, in accordance with the size of the attached IGM map, the nuraghi Berre and Teriani. The nuraghe “Aidu Entos” owes its notoriety in particular to a Latin inscription engraved on its lintel, now difficult to read and of rather controversial dating, which says: “ILI IVR IN NVRAC SESSAR M C”. This inscription likely refers to the rights of the Iliensi of Nurac Sessar and probably indicated the territorial boundary between the territory of the Balari and that of the Iliensi.

In the photos: the protonuraghe Aidu Entos and a detail of its lintel with the aforementioned Latin inscription (Nicola Castangia); The nuraghe Orolo (Diversamente Sardi); A detail of the interior of the same nuraghe (Giovanni Sotgiu); The nuraghi Tintirriolos and Carrarzu Iddia (Bibi Pinna).