The nuraghe Oschini or Oschine of Ghilarza

Immersed in a forest of oak trees and ancient olive trees, thiscomplex nuraghe covered in moss is a precious and fascinating surprise.The central tower of the nuraghe Oschini in Ghilarza still rises for about 10 m.and it is accessible by means of thearchitraved entrance. The presence ofcollapse in the lower chamberOn one hand, it limits the visibility of the interior of the monument, while on the other hand, it enhances the charm of a ruin lost in the woods.

To reach the nuraghe starting from Ghilarza, one must travel along the SP23 heading south for about 300m. Here, we need to turn right and continue on the road for 2km, after which we will need to turn left. After about 1.5 km, having parked the car, one must climb over a dry stone wall and venture into the small forest where it will be easy to recognize it among the vegetation.

(Ministry of Culture – Idese)

The photos of the nuraghe Oschini are by Sergio Melis, Marco Cocco, Francesca Cossu, and Nuraviganne.