The nuraghe Orgono in Ghilarza

“In Ghilarza, it is still possible to come across history today, simply by walking through the city’s communication streets: one of the monuments that can be encountered is the Nuraghe Orgono, a megalithic monument dating back to the Bronze Age, representing the clear evolution from the corridor-type nuraghe (typical of the pre-nuragic era) to the ogival type. Altered over time to transform it from a single-tower nuraghe to a nuraghe with multiple structural towers (now a unique example), the Nuraghe Orgono of Ghilarza presents a typical elongated, oval shape, made with quickly squared trachyte boulders that are not perfectly aligned: in contrast, the quality of the towers added later shows more precise cuts and perfect alignments. An interesting nuraghe, still studied today for its peculiarities and unique features that make it, in part, difficult to understand: for example, an extensive niche has been found externally, carved from the supporting structure, whose use is unclear as it does not seem to communicate with other internal spaces. It is certain that from its summit, one can still see a breathtaking panorama overlooking the surrounding plain, where it is also possible to glimpse other very deteriorated nuragic constructions due to the passage of time.”
The description of the Nuraghe Orgono is taken from the website of the Municipality of Ghilarza. The photos are by Valentino Selis, Bibi Pinna, Gianni Sirigu, Francesca Cossu, and Alberto Valdès.