The Bau ‘e Tanca is one of the “tallest” nuraghi in Sardinia, being positioned at 1122 meters above sea level, on the summit of a plateau that falls within the territory of Talana. Some other nuraghi are situated at a higher altitude, among which the Ruinas (or Orruinas) of Arzana is particularly noted, as Giovanni Lilliu indicated it as the highest in Sardinia, being located at 1197 meters above sea level, and the Ura ‘e Sole of Desulo, unfortunately in very poor condition, which at least among the known nuraghi with an altitude of 1331 meters, is certainly the holder of the altitude record. The archaeologist Caterina Nieddu, regarding Bau ‘e Tanca, wrote among other things: “The harmony between the monumental complex and the surrounding area currently used for pasture is striking, with the constant presence of animals that, free to graze in the archaeological area, seem to revive the ancient activities of the village.” g.v. The photos of the nuraghe Bau ‘e Tanca are by Gianni Sirigu and Pino Fiore; those of the nuraghe Ruinas by Lucia Corda, Andrea Mura-Nuragando Sardegna, and Giovanni Sotgiu; the nuraghe Ura ‘e Sole is presented in two shots by Daniele Zanda.