“The nuragic sanctuary of Janna ‘e Pruna and Su Notante is located about 12 kilometers from the town of Irgoli, heading towards Monte Senes (m 862 a.s.l.), along the current Irgoli-Norghio road. This road partially follows the natural mountain communication route that ‘in ancient times’, using the passes of Janna (m 560 a.s.l.) and Janna ‘e Pruna (m 590 a.s.l.), connected the valleys of Riu Cedrino and Riu Siniscola, important routes for connections between the coast and the interior of the Island. This itinerary, as evidenced by the numerous archaeological sites identified along its path, dating from the pre-protohistoric period to the late Roman/medieval era, must have always held great interest in the settlement dynamics of the territory. The nuragic sanctuary of Janna ‘e Pruna and Su Notante, set in a particularly evocative environmental context characterized by intricate granite outcrops rich in Mediterranean scrub, consists of a series of monuments that, starting from the pass of Janna ‘e Pruna, are arranged along the mountain route just described and which, in this specific stretch, ventured into the valley of Riu Remulis…” (Susanna Massetti and Antonio Sanciu: “Sardegna Archeologica”- Booklet no. 51 of Guides and Itineraries – Carlo Delfino Editore, year 2013).
The photos of the nuragic sanctuary of Janna ‘e Pruna are by Maurizio Cossu and Marco Cocco; those of the sacred spring Su Notante are by Marco Cocco.