On Tuesday, May 28, at the Manifattura, the DNA of the Sardinians was discussed, from the Neolithic to the present day.

Guest of Sardegna verso l’unesco was ProfessorPaolo Francalacci,professor of Genetics at the University of Cagliari, who was entrusted with the conversation titled:“The Archaeology of the Genome. The Past Within Us.”The evening was a true success and allowed the nearly 200 attendees, who filled the room to capacity, to immerse themselves in a journey that intertwined science and history in a truly captivating way. The direction of the evening was entrusted to the vice president of the association,Edoardo Balzarini, which has presented the Unesco nomination of the monuments of the nuragic civilization and emphasized how our cultural wealth can become an extraordinary asset for the economic development of Sardinia.It’s not a coincidence.– concluded Balzarini –that the Sardinia Region is making extraordinary investments in the nuragic project of Unesco, finally providing the necessary homogeneity and planning to the interventions in the sector.After the introduction by Balzarini, the speaker of the evening, Professor Paolo Francalacci, took the floor and captivated the audience with the account of the scientific studies that have allowed us to trace back the history of the DNA of the Sardinians, examining their crosses and relationships with populations from around the world. The human genome, with its sequences, the Y chromosome, and mitochondrial DNA, can provide us with an infinite amount of information about the origins of peoples and their provenance. Professor Francalacci, with great empathy and communication skills, was thus able to make his refined lesson on the very close relationships between the structure of our genome and the ancient origins of the island’s populations simple and understandable to everyone. At the end of the conversation, questions poured in from the audience, confirming the great interest in the multidisciplinary approach to the ancient history of Sardinia, proposed by La sardegna verso l’unesco. In bidding farewell to those present, the focus is already on the association’s next appointment.Tuesday, June 18,Always at 6 PM in Manifattura, there is anticipation for the conversation titled “The Sardinians and the Fear of the Sea. But is it true that the Nuragic people already sailed?”.Gianfranco Coccowill present the association and introduceGiovanna Fundoni,Researcher in Prehistory and Protohistory at the University of Sassari.