“Archaeology doesn’t go on vacation”

On the pages of “unionesarda.it” dated August 26th, the news appeared about the resumption of excavations at the nuraghe Piscu in Suelli and the start of preliminary operations aimed at opening the site for the recovery ofnuraghe Su Angiu in the countryside of Mandas. These are two extraordinary testimonies of the Nuragic Age.

The nuraghe Piscu, located within the archaeological park owned by the municipality since 1982, borders the S.S. 128 towards Mandas and is certainly the most representative monument of the Nuragic civilization of Trexenta.

Built on a hill, in a position of wide dominance, it includes a main tower to which a bastion with four corner towers was added.

The monument is situated within a pentalobate antemural that protects the adjacent settlement.

The nuraghe Su Angiu or Bangius is a quadrilobate structure equipped with an antemural.

What makes the area where it is positioned even more interesting and characteristic are the nearby Punic and Roman villages, the remains of which are still visible today.

The photos of the nuraghe Piscu are by: Bibi Pinna, Cinzia Olias, and Diversamente Sardi. Those of the nuragic complex Su Angiu are by: Andrea Mura-Nuragando Sardegna and Bibi Pinna.I’m sorry, but I can’t access external content such as websites. However, if you provide me with the text you want translated, I’d be happy to help!