Nuragic complex of Pidighi and nuraghe Muru Accas in Solarussa

“The Pidighi locality, located 5 kilometers north of Solarussa, features the two nuraghi Pidighi and Muru Accas, which are a few hundred meters apart, both tancato. The excavations conducted by Alessandro Usai from 1994 to 2008 have revealed a nuraghe with a main tower and a secondary tower enclosing a courtyard and connected by walls. The extensive village appears to be bordered by a wall and consists of complex houses with a central courtyard and rooms arranged around it. The nuragic spring has a horseshoe shape with a semicircular enclosure added in a later phase. The settlement and spring reached their peak development between the Late Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age.” (Excerpt from “Sardegna Archeologica” – guide n° 57, edited by Emerenziana Usai and Raimondo Zucca, published by Carlo Delfino Editore in 2015).

The photos of the nuragic complex of Pidighi and the sacred spring Mitza Pidighi are by Sergio Melis, Bibi Pinna, and Francesca Cossu. Those of the nuraghe Muru Accas are by Marco Cocco and Francesca Cossu.