Unesco: nuraghi network, University of Cagliari study on specificitiesCagliari –The protocol with Dicaar, signed today, is a broad framework agreement within which specific projects can be included. “We fully share the objectives of this initiative, which is so important for our island – said the director of the Department Giorgio Massacci – We enthusiastically join, believing we can contribute significantly with the expertise of Dicaar in the field of architectural history, restoration, masonry structures, and infrastructure.” The collaboration will be realized through the study of the architectural, settlement, and infrastructural specificities of the nuragic cultural heritage of Sardegna. The protocol, which follows the one signed with the regional research center Crs4, therefore strengthens the interdisciplinary study of the nuragic heritage. “With this memorandum of understanding – explained the president of the association – two different entities, two sets of knowledge find space and means for a collaboration that looks to the future, projected into the months to come. A work begins that enhances the candidacy of Sardegna to achieve the goal we have all set together: to bring our island to the top of the most important destinations in the world to know, appreciate, and visit through the recognition by Unesco of the historical and cultural peculiarities of our land, so well represented even today by the magnificence of the nuraghi.” (AGI)