63a.2 and 63b.2: Nuraghi Battizzone and Atzara – Paulilatino

63a.2 and 63b.2: The nuraghe Battizzone is of trilobate type, with towers connected by a wall, forming an internal courtyard at the front. Currently, the courtyard and the side towers are completely engulfed by collapses, making access to the main tower impossible; the architrave of the entrance is partially visible. In the courtyard area, a corridor is also visible that probably constituted the access to one of the side towers, characterized by a significant height. The nuraghe Atzara is of complex trilobate type, featuring a slender main tower characterized by a wide base. The walls that connected the three external towers are still in good condition, while the reinforcement structures were built during the Punic and Roman periods. It has recently been cleaned but awaits a more detailed excavation work to better understand its structure. (Il portale sardo) The photos of the nuraghe Battizzone are by Gianni Sirigu and Andrea Mura-Nuragando Sardegna. Those of the nuraghe Atzara are by Alessandro Pilia.