62.2 and 62a.2: Nuraghi Abbauddi and Urassala – Scano di Montiferro

62.2 and 62a.2: The municipality of Scano is located in Montiferru, not far from the western coast of Sardinia, between Bosa and Oristano at an altitude of 380 meters above sea level. It has been populated since prehistoric times, as evidenced by the findings in its territory of Neolithic domus de janas and then, during the Nuragic Age, of the typical monuments of the period, including particularly numerous nuraghi. Among these, Abbauddi is a single-tower structure made of sandstone blocks. The main chamber has three asymmetric niches. From the corridor on the right, a staircase with 15 steps leads up. The maximum height of the tower is 9.15 meters. Nearby are the remains of the settlement and two domus de janas. To the east of Abbauddi stands Urassala, another beautiful nuraghe that features an intact tholos. The photos of nuraghe Abbauddi are by Bibi Pinna and Marco Cocco. The shot of the nuraghe and the homonymous domu de janas is also by Bibi Pinna. The photos of nuraghe Urassala are by Nicola Castangia and Romano Stangherlin.