48.2, 48a.2 and 48b: Nuraghi Serrese, Santa Barbara and Nela – Sindia

48.2, 48a.2 and 48b: Among the numerous nuraghi present in the territory of Sindia, the Serrese is characterized by having the tholos still intact. Near the nuraghe, there is the homonymous dolmen. The Santa Barbara, also in the territory of Sindia, “is a single-tower nuraghe with a staircase, a corridor niche, and a chamber with three niches arranged in a cross shape. The tower, with a circular plan, maintains a maximum height of 12.25 m over 21 courses, while to the SE we have 11 m with 19 courses. At the top, the diameter is 10 meters. The masonry consists of well-worked basalt blocks arranged in regular horizontal courses.” (A Moravetti) The nuraghe Nela is a single-tower with a staircase, a corridor niche, and a chamber bordered by three niches in the classic cruciform arrangement. The masonry consists of large stones in the lower courses and increasingly smaller stones towards the top. Around the nuraghe, the remains of the village are present. Also in the case of the nuraghe Nela, near it is the homonymous dolmen. The photos of the nuraghe and dolmen Serrese are by Sergio Melis and Gianni Sirigu. Those of the nuraghe Santa Barbara are by Sergio Melis, Marco Cocco, and Alessandro Pilia. The photos of the nuraghe Nela are by GF Columbu, while the photo of the dolmen Nela is by Lucia Corda.