3b: Nuraghe and sacred spring Niedda – Perfugas

3b: The Niedda, located in the territory of Perfugas, is a nuraghe consisting of a semi-buried chamber, above which there are two additional levels accessed from another entrance. The corridor inside the monument is unfortunately interrupted in several places due to the collapse of the walls. Near the second entrance, the remains of some huts can be seen. The eponymous sacred spring is undoubtedly a monument of exceptional value. It can be dated to the last period of the nuragic era, when towers were no longer built and various “federal shrines” were created, which often included sacred wells made with isodomic blocks and enriched with sculptural elements. The photos of the nuraghe and the nuragic spring “Niedda” of Perfugas are by Maurizio Cossu, Sergio Melis, Nuraviganne, and Romano Stangherlin.