39.2 and 39a.2: Nuraghe Tittiriola in Bolotana and nuraghe Aeddos in Orotelli

39.2 and 39a.2: The “Tittiriola” of Bolotana is a single-tower nuraghe made of basalt blocks, enclosed by a surrounding wall and integrated into a village of which traces can still be appreciated. It features an internal staircase that is currently impractical due to collapses, and at the upper part, corresponding to the entrance, a large window topped by a lintel is clearly visible. Near the structure, a sacred well can be seen, which seems to have been covered in relatively recent times.

The nuraghe “Aeddos” or “Aeddu” stands at an altitude of 368 meters in the “Sa Serra” plateau of Orotelli. The first construction dates back to the Bronze Age (1300-900 B.C.). The nuraghe has a trilobate structure, consisting of a central tower and three concentric towers. It was built with large polyhedral blocks of local granite arranged in irregular rows. The height of the visible masonry from the central mast reaches 8.30 meters.

The photos of the nuraghe Tittiriola, in Bolotana, are by Sergio Melis and Cinzia Olias. Those of the nuraghe Aeddos, in Orotelli, are by Giovanni Sotgiu and Marco Cocco.