3.2 and 4a.2: Nuragic complex of Riu Mulinu or Cabu Abbas and Giant’s Tomb Su Monte ‘e s’Abe – Olbia

3.2 and 4a.2: The nuragic complex of Riu Mulinu or Cabu Abbas is located on the summit of Mount Colbu, overlooking the plain of Olbia. The nuraghe, surrounded by a wall that originally must have exceeded 5 meters in height and which features two entrances (one to the north and one to the south), is of the single-tower type. In the entrance corridor, there is a small niche and part of the staircase that led to the terrace of the upper floor. The central chamber, which contains a small well, had a tholos roof.

The giant’s tomb Su Monte ‘e s’Abe, also in the territory of Olbia, was built in two phases. In the first phase, dating back to the period of the Bonnanaro culture, the tomb was constructed as an allée couverte – a kind of elongated dolmen – while later it was transformed into a giant’s tomb with an exedra and stele.

The photos of the nuragic complex of Riu Mulinu or Cabu Abbas in Olbia are by Romano Stangherlin and Bibi Pinna. Those of the giant’s tomb of Su Monte ‘e s’Abe, also in Olbia, are by Andrea Mura-Nuragando Sardegna and Romano Stangherlin.