22b: Nuraghi Corongiu Maria and Is Cangialis in Nurri and the nuragic temple with well of Is Clamoris in Escalaplano

22b: The “Corongiu Maria,” located in Nurri, is a protonuraghe situated in a dominant position on the edge of Pranu and Muru, the basaltic lava flow in the territory of Nurri, east of the Flumendosa river. From the red crown, one can overlook the mountains of Santa Vittoria up to Gennargentu and below the canyon where approximately 17 kilometers of the Medio Flumendosa lake have been created. The corridor nuraghe combines its austere nakedness with the majesty of the landscape that can be admired from there in 360 degrees. The nuraghe “Is Cangialis” or “Su Pizzu de is Cangialis,” also in the territory of Nurri, is a pentalobate from which one can enjoy a breathtaking view of the underlying Flumendosa reservoir. The nuragic temple with a well “Is Clamoris,” in Escalaplano, is part of a large nuragic complex that includes 3 structures associated with the worship of water. The Superintendency indicates the III as the probable nuraghe. The photos of the protonuraghe Corongiu Maria, in Nurri, are by Bibi Pinna, Francesca Cossu, and Lorenzo Muntoni; those of the nuraghe Cangialis, also in the territory of Nurri, are by Bibi Pinna; the well temple Is Clamoris in Escalaplano is captured in the shots by Sergio Melis and Nicola Castangia.