21a: Nuraghe sa Fogaia of Siddi and the Giant’s Tomb Cuaddu ‘e Nixias of Lunamatrona.

21a: The nuraghe “Sa Fogaia”, located in the territory of Siddi, is of the “corridor, complex and irregular” type, consisting of three large megalithic bodies side by side and various secondary structures. It has a remaining height of over 6 meters and was built on the exposed rock with polyhedral basalt blocks stacked dry in polygonal work. The nuraghe can be dated, in its initial construction phase, to the Early Middle Bronze Age. (Villasilli.It)
The Tomb of the Giants “Cuaddu ‘e Nixias”, in Lunamatrona, takes its name from the ancient name of the area in which it is located (Nixias) and from the unusual hole positioned on the right side of the large stele, which was believed (perhaps wrongly) to have been used historically to tie horses. The monument is of considerable interest as it constitutes a rare example of a tomb of giants with a vaulted stele in the central-southern part of the island.
The photos of the nuraghe Sa Fogaia in Siddi are by Bibi Pinna, Francesca Cossu, Diversamente Sardi, Alberto Valdès, and Alex Iannelli. Those of the Tomb of Giants Cuaddu ‘e Nixias in Lunamatrona are by Francesca Cossu and Romano Stangherlin.