13f: Nuraghe Gorroppu or Presethu Tortu – Orgosolo

13f: The Nuraghe Gorroppu or “Presethu Tortu” stands on a rocky outcrop located to the southwest of the homonymous gorge.

The settlement is naturally fortified on the south side, while on the opposite side it is protected by a significant megalithic wall, very well preserved, which reaches a height of over 3 meters. Inside the settlement, there are numerous quadrangular buildings, some of which are in decent condition.

Near the nuraghe, there is the homonymous tomb of giants, which was presumably built during the Middle Bronze Age and which unfortunately is in very poor condition.

From Gorroppu, the nuraghe Mereu or Intro ‘e Padente is also visible, still in the territory of Orgosolo.

The photos of the nuraghe Gorroppu or Presethu Tortu, in the territory of Orgosolo, are by Maurizio Cossu, Giovanni Sotgiu, and ArcheoUri Vagando. Those of the homonymous tomb of giants are by Maurizio Cossu and Alessandro Pilia.