13e: Nuragic complex of Or Murales and giant tombs of S’Arena Fennau – Urzulei.

13e: The site known as “Or Murales” is located in the territory of Urzulei, at an altitude of 802 meters above sea level, near the peak of Or Mufrones. The area is characterized by a forest of oaks and junipers, which have been used over time for the construction of sheepfolds with unique shapes. The nuragic village of Or Murales consists of about 100 huts, built with limestone blocks on the slope and on the wide terraced plains. The structures, predominantly circular in shape and covered by dense vegetation, are arranged in clusters, the insule, with the entrance leading to a common disengagement courtyard. The huts maintain a height that can reach up to 3 meters, and, in some cases, the lintel of the entrance. Some rooms, damaged in the past by illegal excavations, have yielded fragments of pottery with comb-impressed decorations and necked jars with inverted elbow handles, dating from the late Middle Bronze Age to the Final Bronze Age (1500-1000 BC).

The giant tombs of S’Arena Fennau, in Urzulei, were presumably built in the final phase of the Middle Bronze Age and used until the Final Bronze Age. The elongated burial chamber has side walls made of limestone blocks arranged in projecting rows, bordered at the back by a slab placed knife-like. The external masonry is apsidal at the rear. The entrance facing east for tomb n°1 and southeast for tomb n°2 is preceded by a semicircular space with an exedra.

The photos of the nuragic site of Or Murales, in Urzulei, are by Maurizio Cossu. Those of the giant tombs of S’Arena Fennau, also in Urzulei, are by Maurizio Cossu, Alessandro Pilia, and Cinzia Olias.