13.2 and 14.2: Nuraghi Idighinzu of Ploaghe and Nieddu of Codrongianos

13.2 and 14.2: The “Idighinzu” or “Bidighinzu” of Ploaghe (in Sardinian “tralcio secco”) is a beautiful example of a single-tower nuraghe that features an intact tholos. Continuing along the staircase, which evolves in a clockwise direction, construction characteristics similar to other analogous structures, particularly in the territory of Chiaramonti, can be highlighted.

The nuraghe Nieddu, in Codrongianos, is located on a small hill from which the surrounding landscape can be appreciated. It is a single-tower structure about 11 meters high with a tholos roof. It is made of large blocks of dark basalt, which, along with yellow lichens, characterize its coloration from which the name derives (“nieddu” in Sardinian means black, dark). The tower has two openings: the entrance at the base, which is still partially buried, and almost at the top, a window.

The photos of the nuraghe Idighinzu of Ploaghe are by Romano Stangherlin and Giovanni Sotgiu; those of the nuraghe Nieddu of Codrongianos are by Diversamente Sardi and Cinzia Olias.