106 a.2 and 108 a.2: Nuragic well temple of Tattinu in Nuxis and Nuraghe Camboni in Perdaxius

106 a.2 and 108 a.2: Lacking visible structures and the vestibule. The nuragic temple with a well of Tattinu, in Nuxis, consists of a linear continuity of stairs (28-29 steps) and a water chamber that together form a rectangular void measuring 8.12 m long and 1.25-1.10 m wide. The “bottle” section of the well, elliptical in plan (1.82 m x 1.25 m height 5.12 m), also differentiates it from the well temples of Sardinia. The internal masonry is of polyhedral type. Connected to the well is what remains of a nuragic village.

The nuraghe Camboni, in the territory of Perdaxius and near the homonymous giant’s tomb, is a complex nuraghe of which the main tower and three other peripheral towers are visible (but the presence of a fourth on the SSO side is not excluded) connected to each other through a wall with a straight-curvilinear course… The masonry is built with cyclopean blocks of basaltic andesite, each weighing an average of 300 kg, also employing small stones and mud mortar between the interstices. (suscruxoxu.it)