101 d.2, 101 e.2 2 102 a.2: Nuraghi Narocci and Cugui and Giants’ Tombs of Capo Pecora/Manago- Arbus

101 d.2, 101 e.2 and 102 a.2: In Arbus, in the Scivu area, adjacent to the beach of the same name, stands the nuraghe known as Nuraghe Narocci or Cancedda. The nuraghe is located on the hill of Punta su Nuraxi, 226 meters above sea level, dominating the valley that slopes down towards the coast. The construction consisted of at least four towers, occupying a large area. Some of the materials dispersed in the surrounding territory have even been found at the base of the hill. (Arbusturismo.it)
One of the most important historical testimonies close to the municipality of Arbus is the nuraghe of Cugui, one of the most original in Sardinia. Located on the summit of a hill towards Fluminimaggiore, the nuraghe is easily accessible from the Canau area, known for its spring. It is composed of 3 towers, one of which is accessible, although taller individuals may encounter significant difficulties in entering. (Pro loco Arbus)
In the Capo Pecora/Manago area, on the coast of Arbus, there are significant finds from the nuragic era, including several giant tombs and a probable well or nuraghe. From the images, one can sense a naturally wild landscape, with deep views stretching for dozens of kilometers along the western coast, over the dunes of Scivu and Piscinas. One might wonder where the nuragic villages are hidden that justify such a vast necropolis.
The photos of Nuraghe Narocci are by Cinzia Olias. Those of Nuraghe Cugui are by Andrea Mura-Nuragando Sardegna, while the photos of the giant tombs of Capo Pecora/Manago and the panoramic view of the coast are also by Cinzia Olias.