The association “La Sardegna verso l’Unesco” showcases Sardinian Civilization through its monuments. On Thursday, July 8th, an itinerant exhibition titled “Io apro all’Unesco” began in Cagliari, which was then replicated in the following weeks in Sassari and Olbia, before moving to other island towns (Santa Teresa Gallura on August 2; Berchidda on August 10; Arzachena on August 17; Dorgali on August 24; Oliena on August 31; Illorai on September 8 and Oristano on September 14). The exhibition, which will be presented on Monday, August 2 in Santa Teresa di Gallura, consists of various photographic panels that highlight the majesty of some of the most significant monuments from our protohistory. This event aims primarily to make the public perceive the strongly identity-forming value of the archaeological testimonies of our remote past, for which a request has been made to UNESCO – with the sponsorship of RAS, Banco di Sardegna, and Fondazione di Sardegna – for inclusion in the list of World Heritage Sites.The cover photo of the nuraghe Losa in Abbasanta is by Bibi Pinna.