15a: Temple and tomb of giants of Carcaredda and tomb of giants of Porcu Abba – Villagrande Strisaili

15a: The nuragic temple “in antis” of Carcaredda, in Villagrande Strisaili, is built with irregular blocks of granite, porphyry, and more rarely limestone. It consists of two quadrangular rooms that lead into a circular environment which housed an altar that reproduced two nuragic towers. Outside, a structure with an irregular rectangular plan has yielded an extraordinary deposit of votive bronzes, dedicated to the deity during the cults. Nearby, the remains of as many as four giant’s tombs can be found.

Also in the municipality of Villagrande Strisaili, among large holm oaks and rocky groups, on the small plateau called Porcu Abba, there is both the namesake giant’s tomb and the remains of a nuragic village and a nuraghe. The monument is located within a recently created stone enclosure to preserve it. One can admire the lintelled entrance and the burial corridor still in good condition.

The photos of the temple in antis of Carcaredda, in Villagrande Strisaili, are by Francesca Cossu; those of the namesake giant’s tomb and the giant’s tomb Porcu Abba, also in Villagrande Strisaili, are by Francesca Cossu and Sergio Melis.