21.2 and 21a.2: Nuraghe Intro ‘e Serra and Tomba di giganti Malacarruca – Alà dei Sardi

21.2 and 21a.2: Among the piles of stones, at the highest point, stands the main tower of the nuraghe Intro ‘e Serra di Alà dei Sardi, with the entrance topped by a bare lintel. The open-air entrance features an intact niche on the right and a collapsed staircase on the left, which can be traversed to the upper floor from which the interior of the tholos with the two lateral niches can be glimpsed. On the north-west side, there is access to a partially underground double chamber that likely connected to the central tower in the lower part currently underground. (Francesca Cossu)

The tomb of giants Malacarruca, also in the territory of Alà dei Sardi, is also known as Sa Pinnettedda. The circumstances of the discovery and the materials found place the monument at the end of phase II of the nuragic civilization (1500-1200 B.C.).

The photos of the nuraghe Intro ‘e Serra, in Alà dei Sardi, are by Francesca Cossu; those of the Tomb of giants Malacarruca, also in Alà dei Sardi, are by Sergio Melis.