32.2 and 33.2: Nuraghe S’Aspru in Benetutti and the Nuragic complex Sa Reggia in Burgos

32.2 and 33.2: The nuraghe S’Aspru of Benetutti, one of the largest in Goceano, is in a precarious state of preservation. It is a complex nuraghe, whose central tower is positioned at the center of a rectangular courtyard and is enclosed within a circular bastion, to which three additional towers were later added, currently inaccessible. Inside the central tower are three niches and a corridor that leads to the staircase, which provides access to the vaulted tholos chamber on the upper floor.
The nuragic complex Costa, commonly known as Sa Reggia, is located in the territory of Burgos and includes a complex nuraghe, a surrounding village, and a powerful antemural. The nuraghe consists of a main tower and a bastion of four secondary towers with a courtyard inside. Surrounding the bastion, over a large area, extends the village: among the dense bush vegetation, it is now possible to clearly identify only two circular huts (perimeter of 9 m) made with rows of polygonal basalt blocks. However, the element that characterizes and makes this monument unique is the antemural.
The defensive masonry structure – which can still be followed today for a length of 60 m (height 3 m) – is devoid of towers and exceptionally retains the “walkway” (width 1.40 m).
The photos of the nuraghe S’Aspru in Benetutti are by Francesca Cossu. Those of the nuragic complex Sa Reggia in Foresta Burgos (Burgos) are by Sergio Melis, Francesca Cossu, and Dan Floris.