58c.2 and 61: Nuraghe Ruju and the nuragic complex of Iloi – Sedilo

58c.2 and 61: The territory of Sedilo is particularly rich in ancient archaeological evidence. Alongside the Neolithic domus de janas, there are numerous monuments from the Nuragic Age, including several giant’s tombs and various nuraghi, many of which guard the Tirso River. This fundamental waterway gave rise to the Omodeo Lake in modern times, an artificial basin whose construction was completed in 1924. The nuraghe Ruju is characterized by its intact tholos; however, one of the most significant Nuragic complexes in the Sedilo area is Iloi. The site, located 270 m above sea level, consists of a nuraghe, a village, and two giant’s tombs; nearby, there is also a dolmen and the necropolis of Ispiluncas, which includes about thirty domus de janas that have yielded numerous materials from the pre-Nuragic period. The nuraghe, possibly a royal residence, is of a mixed type with a trilobate bastion and dates back to the Middle-Late Bronze Age. The photos of nuraghe Ruju are by Zuseppe Serra and Gianni Sirigu; those of the Nuragic complex of Iloi are by Diversamente Sardi, Gianni Sirigu, Pasquale Pintori, Sergio Melis, and Francesca Cossu.