68.2 and 68a.2: The nuraghe Lure of Sedilo and the nuraghe Bighinzone of Borore.

68.2 and 68a.2: The “Lure”, located in the territory of Sedilo, is a single-tower nuraghe made of basalt that preserves the intact tholos and is about 11 meters high. From the entrance, which is 1.60 m high, one accesses the corridor and, immediately on the left, the staircase composed of 13 steps. The “Bighinzone” of Borore is now known as Nuraghe Urpes, but in reality, it is indeed the Nuraghe Bighinzone, while the Urpes, which stood nearby, has been completely destroyed. The nuraghe appears to be a single-tower at first glance, but upon closer examination of the structures, it turns out to be a quadrilobed with concave-convex walls, enclosed by a curtain wall with towers, of which only a few but significant traces remain.” (A. Moravetti 1998) The photos of the nuraghe Lure are by Gianni Sirigu, Marco Cocco, and Romano Stangherlin. Those of the nuraghe Bighinzone are by Andrea Mura-Nuragando Sardegna and Gianni Sirigu.