The archaeological complex of “Romanzesu” – Bitti

The archaeological complex of “Romanzesu”, in Bitti, “constitutes one of the most important residential and cult complexes of the Nuragic Sardinia, with about a hundred huts, five worship buildings, a well temple and four ‘megaron’, and a large ceremonial enclosure. It is built with local granite. The area develops around the well temple, carved into the rock from which spring water flows. It has an access staircase and a circular chamber (diameter m 3.40; height m 3.60) built with regular rows of carefully worked blocks. The floor is paved, and a bench-seat runs along the perimeter of the wall. Three betilini discovered to the N and S of the structure were associated with the well. A sort of terraced corridor, marked by some menhirs, connects the well with a large circular stepped basin (diameter m 14), with a paved floor, perhaps intended for ritual ablutions, where the floodwater from the spring was collected. The area of the well has yielded materials from the Late and Final Bronze Age (13th-9th century BC).” (excerpt from “Sardegna Cultura”)
The photos of the archaeological complex Su Romanzesu are by: Visit Bitti, Beatrice Auguadro, Alberto Valdès, Nicola Barbicha Tornello, Patricia Droz and the Cooperative Istelai. The map of the complex is taken from “”.