Towers by the sea: the nuraghe Riu Perdosu of Teulada

Andrea Mura-Nuragando Sardegna shares beautiful photos of the nuraghe Riu Perdosu (also known as Arriu Perdosu or Perda Longa), located on the border between Teulada and Domus De Maria, along with a brief description taken from the Decree of the Superintendency of Archaeology, Fine Arts, and Landscape for the Metropolitan City of Cagliari and the provinces of Oristano and South Sardinia no. 6 of 29/01/2021.

“To reach it, you will need to take a 2.5 km uphill trekking route, but the view and colors you can admire from up there will certainly reward your effort.

The nuraghe is indeed located near Capo Malfatano and Capo Spartivento, and is thus in a straight line to wonderful beaches such as Tuerredda or Su Giudeu, just to mention two famous ones.

The monument is situated on a hilltop, perched on a rocky outcrop that is incorporated into the structure. It is a complex nuraghe, consisting of a main tower supported by cyclopean masonry that defines a perfectly elliptical courtyard.

Access to the complex was through an entrance with a rectangular lintel oriented to the north.

The tower and the wall on the east side are deeply damaged due to significant collapse events related to the progressive erosion of the rock ledge.

The nuraghe represents another important testimony of the widespread occupation of the southern coast of the island and is a crucial piece in reconstructing the relationship between nuragic civilization, coasts, and the sea.”
What can we say? Certainly, the construction of various “sea view” towers by the nuragic populations primarily aimed at monitoring the coasts and, more generally, maritime traffic.

But just as often, they could enjoy an incomparable panorama, as in the case of this nuraghe.