“Sardinia, the island of nuraghi”: the first international conference will start on November 16.

A two-day event dedicated to the ancient Sardinian civilization. Starting on Thursday, November 16, and continuing the following day, Friday, November 17, the first international conference titled “Sardegna, l’Isola dei Nuraghi” will take place, featuring prominent guests of international stature.

The international conference brings together experts with the belief that the Nuragic civilization is an immense wealth, whose extraordinary and fascinating story must transcend the borders of the Island to become the identity card of Sardinia in the world. The conference panel combines the skills of archaeologists, economists, marketing experts, management professionals, anthropologists, and geneticists to convey that the assistance of many sciences and professions is necessary to finally communicate the immense value of our ancient civilization and the monumental landscape that testifies to its greatness and uniqueness.

Promoted by our Association, it also aims to raise awareness around the historical and cultural heritage of our Island, capable of intercepting new paths for sustainable development and ensuring lasting economic growth, with evident impacts on GDP and employment. The event will begin on Thursday, November 16 (registration of participants starts at 9 am). After the institutional greetings – with representatives from APS La Sardegna verso l’Unesco, Fondazione di Sardegna, Comune di Cagliari, Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, Ministero della Cultura, Rector of the University of Cagliari, Rector of the University of Sassari, ANCI Sardegna Association, Fondazione Barumini, Fondazione Mont ‘e Prama, Superintendency of Cagliari, Superintendency of Sassari – thematic windows and technical sessions will follow.

The event will be broadcast live streaming on theFacebook page of “La Sardegna verso l’Unesco”.Click here to view the complete programor open the following post: