The nuraghe Serbissi in Osini

The nuraghe Serbissi “rises on the Taccu plateau, a striking limestone rock with steep walls. At almost one thousand meters in height.”,overlooks the town of Osini and dominates Ogliastra and Barbagie. The landscape is characterized by gorges, cliffs, and cliffs covered with Mediterranean scrub, which emerges lush and green. It is a place where natural beauties and historical testimonies have perfectly integrated.

The monumental complex of Serbissi consists of a complex nuraghe and the related village of huts.
The nuraghe is composed of a main tower and three secondary towers. Built at different times, the four towers are connected by a powerful defensive wall and all overlook an internal courtyard-corridor. The main tower (6.30 m high) is the oldest and has two levels. The ground floor room with a dome roof (tholos) is perfectly preserved; the upper room, accessible by a staircase, no longer has a roof, which unfortunately has collapsed.

Thanks to the excavation and restoration interventions that have affected the site The state of conservation is excellent.

The settlement, of which eight circular huts made of stone and clay are preserved, dates back to a phase following the construction of the nuraghe.

From the town of Osini, the road leads to the gorge known as “Scala di San Giorgio.” After about 2.6 km, one arrives at a fork with a sign for the archaeological park. Turn right and continue for about 1.6 km on an asphalt road following the signs for the nuraghe Serbissi. At the end of this road, there are two dirt paths; take the one on the right and proceed for about 3 km. Finally, you arrive at the foot of the hill where the nuraghe stands, accessible via a path on the left.

(from the Ministry of Culture – Idese)

The photos of the nuraghe Serbissi in Osini are by: Lucia Corda, Gianni Sirigu, Bibi Pinna, and Alessandra Cossu. The photo of the cave beneath the nuraghe is by Maurizio Cossu.