18a: Nuragic settlement of Monti ‘e Nuxi – Esterzili

18a: Not far from the megaron temple “Sa Domu ‘e Orgia,” in Esterzili, on the ridge and slopes of Mount Santa Vittoria, there are the ruins of a significant nuragic village of circular huts, enclosed within an area partly surrounded by cyclopean walls, along with a nuraghe, a megalithic enclosure, and a sacred well that draws from the source of Monti ‘e Nuxi, famous for its very fresh waters. A staircase of four steps leads to the well, covered by a tholos structure. Above the staircase, a series of five lintels reproduces its inverted motif (the classic inverted staircase of sacred wells). A second room consists of a circular hut of which the height is preserved up to the entrance lintel. Inside, a seat runs along the entire circumference interrupted by two stone slabs, possibly remnants of a ritual basin, positioned orthogonally to the inner perimeter. Of considerable interest is the flooring of the entire complex (very well preserved inside the hut), made with limestone slabs perfectly fitting together. The entire complex is bordered by a series of low walls decorated with “fishbone” motifs. The photos of the nuragic complex of Monti ‘e Nuxi, in Esterzili, are by Giovanni Sotgiu and Lucia Corda.