The giants’ graves S’Arena Fennau in Urzulei

Set in a rocky terrace facing Mount Novo San Giovanni, the two giant tombs of “S’Arena” (Urzulei) stand near the nuragic village Perdeballa, separated by the small valley “Badde su Nuraghe.”

They seem to belong to two different types; tomb 1 has a front profile (exedra) that is predominantly Straight and characteristic of the tombs made of regular blocks; tomb 2, on the other hand, has a decidedly arched profile, generally typical of giant tombs with orthostatic structure (this difference is not perceived from aerial photos – note from the post publisher). Both have been subject to partial restoration.

The site can be reached by car by following the dirt road that deviates left after the bridge on the paved road of Fennau and climbs the hill. Upon reaching the top, there is a fence on the left, open, where the two giant tombs are located. (from the Ministry of Culture – Idese)

The photos of the giant tombs S’Arena Fennau are by: Maurizio Cossu, Gianni Sirigu, Francesca Cossu, and ArcheoUri Vagando. The photo of the nuraghe Perdeballa is by Gianni Sirigu (the same nuraghe is visible in some photos, on the peak that rises northwest of the tombs).