Near the nuraghe Arrubiu of Orroli, the remains of two giant’s tombs are visible, one of which, some time ago, yielded the sword that appears in the black and white image taken from the article published in 2015 in the “Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche” signed by Mauro Perra and the other researchers mentioned in the same photo.
On the Unione Sarda of September 20, an article by Severino Sirigu appeared, discussing the further finding “of some bronzetti and numerous devotional pearls belonging to the 12th and 13th centuries B.C.,” along with the further consideration, certainly interesting, that “the discovery is set to disrupt the debate in the cultural field and could shatter the old convictions of historians: the bronzetti reappeared in Orroli are indigenous products and do not date back to the period of the first contacts with the Phoenician peoples…”The photo of the “Tomba della spada” in Orroli is by Sergio Melis.