The “in antis” temples of Malchittu and Domu ‘e Orgia.

“During the formation period of the nuragic civilization, religion is far from well-defined. Although isolated, the temple ‘in antis’ of Malchittu-Arzachena leads one to identify a lunar feminine celestial deity as the holder of the worship practiced there, since in a similar ‘in antis’ temple, albeit more recent, that of Esterzili, it was the house (domu) of Orgia, a character ethnographically linked to agricultural fertility. The bare perimeter benches possibly hosted plant and animal offerings destined for the goddess, while in the hearth animal victims were to be offered in holocausts, burnt perfumes, or roasted plants. Nothing more can be said or hypothesized, other than that the geographical environment of Gallura suggests that among the offerings to the deity there should have been caprine-ovine animals and perhaps hunting and agricultural delicacies.” (Giovanni Ugas “L’Alba dei Nuraghi” ed. Fabula year 2005)

The photos of the temple of Malchittu in Arzachena are by Bibi Pinna. Those of the temple of Domu ‘e Orgia in Esterzili are by Gianni Sirigu, Giovanni Sotgiu, and Andrea Mura-Nuragando Sardegna.