The nuraghe Tuttusoni in Aglientu

Not far from Portobello di Gallura, in the area of l’Agnata (Aglientu), you can admire the nuraghe.Tuttusoni.The monument stands on a slight hill rise, overlooking a vast plain extending towards the sea. Made of local granite blocks, it is characterized by a very regular masonry, quite unusual in Gallura. In general, in fact, the polygonal technique prevails with the use of blocks with often irregular contact surfaces.

Beyond the entrance topped by a an imposing architrave leads to the central chamber. This has a circular plan, partly collapsed, once covered with “tholos“or false dome. A ramp allows access to the highest part of the monument, from which one can admire a large and wonderful portion of land up to the sea. The”Tuttusonirepresents the type of nuraghe of the coastal Gallura, which combined the control of agro-pastoral lands with that of the sea.

Around the monument, remnants of wall structures can be seen, related to further extensions of the building. These would confirm not only the function of controlling the surrounding plain but also of residential settlement.

(from the Ministry of Culture – Idese)

The photos of the nuraghe Tuttusoni are by: Andrea Mura-Nuragando Sardegna and Romano Stangherlin