The nuraghe Succuronis in Macomer

The Nuraghe Succuronis, in Macomer, is a single tower that “preserves its charm intact thanks to its position from which it stands out in the sky of Marghine.

Its construction has followed a composite scheme. In the lower part, large irregular stones are used, which become progressively smaller and squared as they rise towards the upper part. There are small openings on the outside.,almost spiral-shaped openings that allow light to filter inside.

The monument is easily identifiable and reachable at km 2 of the SS 129 bis towards Bosa. However, the direct access is dangerous, so it is advisable to leave the car at the widening of the disused Anas tollgate near the junction for Pozzomaggiore.” (from the Ministry of Culture-Idese)

The photos of the nuraghe Succuronis are by: Pietrino Mele, Diversamente Sardi, and Bibi Pinna.
