The nuraghe Sisini of Senorbì

The Nuraghe Sisini is located near the homonymous district of Senorbì.

“The nuraghe is made up of finely worked blocks of local marne arranged in regular rows.

The layout of the monument is unique: the tower is connected to two straight sections about ten meters long, also constructed with isodomic rows.

The two straight wall sections are connected to the tower by specially shaped stones.” to follow the planimetric profile of the structure.

This peculiar planimetric articulation led some scholars in the past to compare the building with the sacred wells.

The access to the chamber of the tower, originally vaulted in tholos, is currently unusable as it is completely covered by the powerful collapses.” (

The photos of the nuraghe Sisini are by: Maurizio Cossu, Nicola Castangia, Bibi Pinna, Cinzia Olias, and Nicola Barbicha Tornello.