The nuraghe Santa Barbara, in Macomer

The Santa Barbara of Macomer “is one of the most important nuraghi in central Sardinia, built in the locality of Padru Pizzinnu, in a strategic position on a step of the Campeda plateau. It is a complex building, of a tetralobate type, and of considerable dimensions. It consists of a central tower 15 m high, dating back to the 1st millennium BC, and a bastion with 4 lateral towers dating to the 4th century BC.”…”Although the site is degraded, it retains the charm of a millennial monument, guarding a vast territory, from the plain of Campidano to the south, to the basaltic area of Meilogu to the north.” (Excerpts from “Sardegna Nuragica” by Giovanni Lilliu – ed. Il Maestrale – 2006). The photos of the nuraghe Santa Barbara of Macomer are by Gianni Sirigu, Lucia Corda, Giovanni Sotgiu, and Bibi Pinna. The graphic relief is by La Marmora. The footage from Sardegna Archeologia is by Pietrino Mele.