The nuraghe San Pietro in Ussaramanna

The nuraghe San Pietro stands on the summit of a hill in the immediate outskirts of the village of Ussaramanna.

Four distinct excavation campaigns have partially highlighted the original planimetric development of the complex, consisting of a central tower enveloped by a bastion made up of straight curtain walls and four almost equidistant towers.

Currently, the central tower with a circular room is largely preserved, though it lacks a roof; from the entrance corridor, a partially covered staircase develops along the masonry, of which some steps remain. New and old excavations have revealed, outside the powerful building, rectangular rooms whose layout probably dates back to the Roman era. (from the Ministry of Culture – Idese)

The photos of the nuraghe San Pietro are by: Bibi Pinna, Romano Stangherlin, and Marco Cocco.