The nuraghe Sa Domu ‘e s’Orku di Sarroch

The nuraghe Sa Domu ‘e s’Orku, located in the territory of Sarroch, stands at an altitude of 107 meters above sea level on a hillock extending over the sea, overlooking the valley of the Rio Grampera.

“The building is of the ‘a tancato’ type, consisting of an ancient tower to which a trapezoidal-shaped body is attached, limited to the southwest by a more recent smaller tower. The complex is oriented southwest-northeast with an entrance facing the sea… The oldest tower, circular in plan… is preserved to a maximum height of 8.10 meters. The masonry is made of large blocks of porphyry, roughly hewn and arranged in irregular horizontal courses. The entrance to the monument…, facing southwest, is topped by a lintel equipped with a small discharge window… The chamber, eccentric and lowered compared to the corridor floor by 0.22 meters, has a circular plan… There are no niches present. High up, on the right side, at a height of 4.50 meters from the floor, the staircase to the terrace opens, of which 14 steps are preserved… The corridor has a pointed section… The trapezoidal courtyard is bordered by the entrances of the two towers and two niches… It was excavated in 1924 by Antonio Taramelli.”

(Excerpts from “Sardegna Cultura”).

The photos of the nuraghe Sa Domu ‘e s’Orku are by Bibi Pinna, Nuraviganne, Marco Cocco, and Francesca Cossu.