The nuraghe Orgono of Ghilarza

The nuraghe Orgono is located in the municipality of Ghilarza, just a few meters from the state road 131.

The monument is a singular example of the evolution of nuragic architecture. The nuraghe was indeed built in multiple phases. Initially, the ground floor chamber was constructed, which features a naviform cover and an elliptical plan, typical characteristics of the corridor nuraghi. This first nuraghe was then refaced. Thanks to a staircase present in this first environment, one can access the upper room, of which only the first rows remain. This last room originally had a tholos covering and was built in a later phase.

The excavations carried out in the nuraghe testify to the site’s use from the Middle Bronze Age to the Roman era. Among the Nuragic materials from the early Iron Age found in the upper room, a ziro was identified, which is a large ceramic container for foodstuffs.

To reach the nuraghe, you must enter Ghilarza following the “hospital” signs at the diversion on the 131. At the exit of Ghilarza, take the SP 24 and travel for about 1 km. The area is fenced.

(from the Ministry of Culture – Idese)

The photos of the nuraghe Orgono are by: Gianni Sirigu, Pino Fiore, Valentino Selis, Andrea Mura-Nuragando Sardegna, and Bibi Pinna