About 3 km from the village of Oniferi, in hilly territory, stands the nuraghe Ola. It is a single-tower nuraghe, preserved to a remaining height of 10.70 m.

The peculiarity of this monument is the use of different building materials. On the outside, the first ten rows from the base are made of large granite blocks, while the upper part is covered with well-worked trachyte blocks. From the entrance, a paved corridor leads to a staircase that is mostly preserved and led to the upper floor. Continuing on, one can enter the central chamber with a tholos in excellent condition.

Around the nuraghe, there used to be a village of circular huts.

The site is easy to reach and well marked by following the SS 128 towards Oniferi-Macomer.

(Source: Ministry of Culture – Idese)

The photos of the nuraghe Ola are by: Nicola Castangia, Maurizio Cossu, Sergio Melis, and Gianni Sirigu.