The nuraghe Nieddu of Codrongianos

The nuraghe Nieddu of Codrongianos stands on a modest rise located in the area of Nuragaddu, near the streams that once flowed into the Gennano pond. The concentration of nuraghi at the site could be justified, at least in part, by the abundant presence of water, which was also an object of worship by the populations of the time. It can even be presumed that the proximity to the springs of San Martino, from which today, as then, flows a renowned mineral water, favored the settlement of our ancient ancestors in the area.
The color photos of the nuraghe Nieddu are by Diversamente Sardi, Gianni Sirigu, and Cinzia Olias. The black and white ones are taken from the volume “Immagini del passato” (ed. Delfino), which publishes the shots taken by the English Dominican father Paul Mackey (1851-1935) during his travels in Sardinia.