The nuraghe Mereu in the Supramonte of Orgosolo

A ‘white’ nuragic fortress dominates ancient woods and mountains scattered with caves, gorges, streams, and cuiles in the Barbagia of Ollolai, in the heart of Sardinia.

It stands on a rocky spur overlooking one of the deepest canyons in Europe and, thanks to the brightness of its limestone blocks, stands out in the heart of a dense forest. The nuragheMereuit rises to 835 meters above sea level on the Supramonte of Orgosolo. The inhabitants of the barbaricino town call it nuragheintroduction of the parent, that is ‘the nuraghe in the forest’. TheMereuIn fact, it is difficult to spot if observed from below and from a distance, as it is surrounded by the forest ofMontes. However, once you reach it, you will be able to admire a breathtaking landscape, particularly to the north-east, over the walls of the spectacular gorge ofGorropuTo the south, instead, you will observe the profiles of the Supramonte of Orgoles and that of Urzulei.

The nuraghe, made entirely of blocks of limestone foundin localit presents a complex structure, with a trilobate plan, featuring a keep and two secondary towers connected by curtains. The main tower with the roof remains standing.tholos,integrated and about five meters high, and the bastion on the west side. The original entrance was on the south side and led into a corridor that is partly still walkable, at the end of which is a connecting room between the keep and one of the towers, which is now partially collapsed. The third tower, on the other hand, is now a ruin. The staircase, to the left of the entrance, which leads to the upper terrace, is also partially preserved. To the west of the fortress, you will notice various traces related to the huts of the village, while, hidden in the woods, there are some Giant’s tombs, referring to the same settlement. (Sardegna Turismo)

The photos of the nuraghe Mereu are by Giovanni Sotgiu and Maurizio Cossu.